Scott Tolchin

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Scott Tolchin

Qualifications/ Services: Life Coach, Relationship Coach, and Healing Arts Practitioner

Location: Everywhere via any form of internet video (e.g., Skype, FaceTime, etc.)

Short Bio:

Scott Tolchin is a 21st century mind-body healing arts practitioner and life coach who uses a variety of healing modalities and coaching interventions to help people who are experiencing difficulties related to chronic stress and anxiety, traumatic experiences, stuck emotions, phobias, panic attacks, nightmares, addictions, post-traumatic stress, and chronic inflammation and pain in the body that conventional Western medicine has not been able to alleviate. Scott’s mission is to radically transform people’s lives in a way that frees them from the pain of their past and empowers them to create new visions for their future and provides them with effective strategies for making that future become a reality while living life fully and vibrantly in the present.

By utilizing the most effective neuroscience-based modalities like Havening Techniques® to rapidly and permanently erase the pain of your past experience, Strategic Intervention Coaching to solve current problems and create new beliefs and behaviors, and hypnosis and NLP to program in your new way of being in the world, you will find that profound change can happen more easily and rapidly than you ever thought possible.

Scott is one of the first 100 Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioners in the world and is a certified Neo-Ericksonian Hypnotist and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming® (NLP).
Scott is also certified in coaching as a Strategic Intervention Master Level Coach and trained as a Strategic Intervention Advanced Relationship Coach and a Robbins-Madones Core 100 Coach.