Orian Marx

Orian Marx

Qualifications/ Services: Life Coach

Location: New York City

Contact: orian@artoflifecrafting.com

Short Bio:

Orian is a life coach and creator of the Lifecrafting Framework for envisioning and realizing your best self. In addition to his coaching work, he has over a decade of experience as a user experience consultant and front end web developer delivering solutions for major corporations and state government agencies.

Orian serves as a Co-Chair of the Futurism Lab at NEXUS, a global non-profit dedicated to connecting young philanthropists with leading activists. He also volunteers with the Louis August Jonas Foundation which facilitates an international youth leadership summer program. His passions include travel, photography, swing dancing, emerging technology, and of course, personal development.

He resides in New York City (where he was born and raised) with his two favorite ladies – his wife Abril, and Olive, his cat.