Lorraine Hamilton, PCC

Services: ICF Accredited Coach Trainer

Website: www.coachschool.academy

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Short Bio:

Lorraine Hamilton changes the way people think and feel so that their only option is forwards. She does this through her unique blend of coaching and science which results in magical mindset wrangling.

Her specialty is teaching her coaching magic to proven consultants and experts just like you, so you can create greater impact and influence. This results in their elevation to thought leader in their industry and attracting the opportunities that go with that.

Lorraine is an international ICF accredited coach, Creator of the SWITCH Coaching System, and C.O.A.C.H. Framework and author of Thin[k] Program: The Smart Woman’s Guide To Effortless Weightloss. She is the owner and principal trainer at Coach School and has been certified for over 13 years.

Before Lorraine found her passion for personal development, she completed her Bachelor of Science degree and had a long and successful career in engineering (and probably knows more about how your cellphone works than is necessary!)

And more people than you might think have hired her because of her multicolored hair!t