Lois and Julia Thompson

Lois and Julia Thompson

Qualifications/ Services: We are both Energy Practitioners, Certified Life Coaches, Infinite Possibilities Teacher Trainers, and Lois is also an Ordained Minister and Qi Gong teacher

Location: Erie Pennsylvania

Short Bio:

Lois and Julia Thompson are dedicated to assisting others heal themselves from the inside out through Positivity, Possibilities, and New Perspectives. Lois practices Pranic Healing and Julia is a Reiki Master Teacher. Both are certified Life Coaches. In an individual session with either Lois or Julia, they combine energy work, life tools, thought management and energy management techniques to provide unique assistance and results for their clients. Lois enjoys teaching Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities course and Qi Gong in the community. Julia finds it very fulfilling to teach her Reiki students and to offer unique Metaphysical classes in the community. She is also known locally for being a Crystal Goddess through teaching metaphysical classes on stones and through selling crystals.