Jennifer Davoust

Jennifer Davoust

Qualifications/ Services: Self Love Coach

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Short Bio: 

Jennifer Davoust is a spiritual teacher and self love coach who knows how essential this love is to every success we crave. Jennifer is the host of the Tune Into You meditation podcast and creator of the Embodied Empath workshop in Columbus Ohio. Through her programs, Jennifer creates massive shifts in the way her clients see themselves and therefore the world. Her Embodied Empath workshops support the sensitive souls of the world in setting healthy boundaries and finding the gift in their ability to connect deeply. Certified by the Facilitator In Transformation program with Chris Lee and a graduate of the most prestigious hypnotherapy school in the world with a concentration in neuro-linguistic programming, she has impacted hundreds of people with her coaching and mentoring. Jennifer is a truth seeker and has been studying the self and our relationship to the subconscious mind since childhood. From struggling with depression and failed attempts at suicide to now teaching confidence on a daily basis, Jennifer is interested in how we can rewrite the scripts we follow in our minds. Jennifer will listen deeply, meet you where you’re at, and walk with you to that next place you want to go. Jennifer has a compelling story and a unique perspective to offer when it comes to changing our minds about who we are and what we are capable of. When Jennifer is not busy spreading her message of self love you can find her exploring her local parks and connecting with nature. To connect with what Jennifer is up to be sure to find Jennifer Davoust on social media.