Florence Bray

Website:  www.Irishhypnosisnaas.ie

Email: irishhypnosis@gmail.com

Short bio:

Florence Bray is a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist/ KAM practioneer  with Irish Hypnosis. She lives in Dublin with her husband Alan, has two grown up sons, Steven and Robert,  and 5 funloving grandchildren.

 She trained many years ago with  CEO of the world renowned Irish Hypnosis training school, ICHI,  Karl Anthony, Hypnotist, and has thousands of hours experience to her credit, achieving amazing success with clients from all walks of life.  She helps clients to Quit Smoking, lose weight, overcome fears, phobias, public speaking, anxiety, panic attacks and many other issues and practices from her offices in Dublin and Kildare. 

She believes the most powerful tool we have at our disposal is our mind and is constantly amazed by the massive potential within us that is  often underutilized. She has a very keen interest in the Law of attraction and Feng Shui and incorporates it into her personal and business life.    She constantly works with ICHI, upgrading and helping develop better ways to help clients reach their ultimate potential. She is passionate about her work and says the biggest bonus of being a Hypnotherapist is that she too benefits from working with clients, as she also absorbs all the positive suggestions.

Her hobbies are walking to keep fit, swimming, playing guitar, most of all going on holiday .  Travelling to different countries, experiencing different cultures is the greatest education of all.  She says recommends taking life less seriously, nothing in life is personal , forgive people who have hurt us and  to have fun, it is the best medicine of all.