Brie Lamers


Qualifications / Services: Life and Love unCoach


Location: Boulder, CO

Short Bio: 

Brie Lamers is a magician, intuitive, healer, life/love coach and mother-lover of all beings. She carries an extremely high vibration which she transmits through hands-on sacred touch and her channel of unconditional love. Her energy can actually pop lights on in her sleep (connecting circuit) and make street lights go out (disrupting circuit) when she is near. (Let’s not even talk about what she does to computers and phones!) This is a special gift she utilizes to help people relax (out of the monkey mind) into stillness in seconds… and the reverse, to connect circuits in the energy/body system that help re-vitalize and re-wire in a most beneficial way. 

As a Life and Love “Un-coach” and Queen of hugging, Brie physically and emotionally holds people in deep presence and spaciousness (through unconditional love and acceptance) so they can feel trust and love like (perhaps) they’ve never felt before. Brie opens up this access point because it’s where profound remembrance of “who we are” and true healing can actually begin with integrity and embodiment.

Along with Bjorn Leonards, her beloved partner of 23 years and their 3 children, Brie lives (and teaches) a radiantly alive life of presence, play, passion and full-on engagement! As a family they have lived nomadically for 3+ years, let go of all of their possessions numerous times, broken away from most institutions, Un-schooled their children and continue to remain on the razor’s edge of unconventionality and evolution of life as Human. Defying gravity and aging through this aliveness, Brie is proving that Life is a Story- and we can choose what this brilliant adventure looks and feels like in every moment