Bjorn Leonards

Qualifications /Services: Relationship and unCoaching Wizard

Website: ,

Location: Boulder, CO USA

Short Bio:

Bjorn Leonards is a lover of life in Radical Authentic expression. 

His highest excitement is to help committed people shift from chronically running after their ‘To do list’ to fully living their ‘To BE list’ – meaning instead of ploughing through the day to day rush of tasks – shoulders hunched by the weight of “shoulds” and expectations – living an inspired and tapped in life doing exactly what they are here to do –  heart and soul aligned.

Bjorn loves to pioneer the unknown, exploring what it means to be welcoming bliss and discomforts alike – happy to embrace the full spectrum of his experience. 

He and Brie, his partner in love and life,  have unschooled their 3 children, lived nomadically all over the world as a family (each with only a carry-on backpack for over 3 years), facilitated deep healing for thousands through Presence, Uncoaching, Sound and Energy Healing and many other modalities helping people become unstuck in order to truly celebrate this life. 

His family lives a radically unconventional life (currently in Boulder, CO), inspiring others to step out of the box and into full on aliveness.

In 2017 Brie and Bjorn founded ‘The High On Life School’ with the only intention to guide people back to life through actually feelingl again(and not just think) in order to get crystal clear why they are here and can hit the ground running bringing their unique and needed gifts to this world from a place of service, joy and excitement.