Aideen Lyster

Qualifications/Services: Executive Life Coach, M.Ed Guidance Counsellor and Personal & Professional Development teacher/facilitator

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Social Media: Facebook: Aideen Lyster Life Coaching


Short Bio: Aideen Lyster is a full-time Guidance counsellor in a college of further education in Dublin, Ireland. She is also a fully qualified Executive life coach with her own life coaching business, working with clients on a 1-1 basis and facilitating transpersonal groups. Aideen used to be a teacher in adult education for nearly two decades. Her main subject area was Personal & Professional Development in the Social Care area. 

Aideen advocates for ‘self-care’ which she believes is necessary when achieving goals and living a meaningful life. She has a ‘Simple Self-Care’ course that runs for 9 months and clients who sign up are in need of some support, nurturing and joy in their daily lives. By the end of the course, clients comfortably know how to self-care, achieve some life goals, will feel more ease & fully enjoy their lives. 

Aideen also created a 10 monthly course called ‘Leaning into the Law of Attraction,’ where people identify their needs, values, wants and dreams. They are guided, encouraged and supported to manifest some/all of them, using the spiritual tools of the Law of Attraction. Each month clients are given a new spiritual tool to practise on, while always staying conscious & attentive to their specific goals, daily lives and well-being. 

Aideen believes that everyone is creative and everyone needs to live an intuitive, creative life. She has been facilitating the Artist’s Way course since 2004. She gives talks on the Artist’s Way, has provided one day workshops and regularly takes a group through the 12 week/monthly course. During the Artist’s Way course, Aideen supports many people to identify their own creativity, she helps to challenge old self-limiting beliefs that can dispel creativity, in a gentle but firm way and has facilitated many people to find ways to express their creative values and to live a creative life. 

Aideen has extensive experience working with people in the area of personal, professional and creative development.